Injured Wildlife Resources

From Wendell Wiki

Injured and orphaned birds of prey

  • Thomas Ricardi, Conway (413) 369-4467
  • Julie Anne Collier, Leverett (413) 782-8164
  • Jim Parks at [email protected] and (978) 657-5672

Injured small birds/wildlife rehabilitator

  • Nancy Bordewieck (413) 768-9145 or (413) 834-5733 Dawndale Farms, Bernardston, MA 01337
  • Laura Baxter Hebert from Erving. 413-659-6628. primarily rabbits and turtles. sometimes other animals, such as possums, skunks, and squirrels. Happy to advise and point people in the right direction if can't help directly.
  • Newhouse Wildlife Rescue PO Box 596, Chelmsford MA 01824 978-413-4085

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